The European Court of Justice has expanded on its insistence that all workers throughout the EU have a right to reclaim holiday time affected by illness. 欧盟法院做出了一项法律解释,欧盟国家所有的员工如果在休假期间生病,都有权利重新补回假期。
David Llewelyn: So how do cases come before the European Court of Justice? 王迁:一个有关商标的案子怎样才会被提交到欧共体法院来裁决呢?
Tesco is hoping the European Court of Justice will say this practice called "parallel importing" is legal. 特斯科希望欧洲法院裁定这种“平行进口”的做法是合法的。
Gone are automatic sanctions on fiscal "sinners" and review of breaches of fiscal rules by the European Court of justice. 同样成为不可能之事的还有对财政“罪人”自动实施制裁,以及由欧洲法院(europeancourtofjustice)审查违反财政条例的情况。
A prohibition by court order. Termination of the anti-suit injunctions?& comments on the civil verdict of European Court of Justice on the "FRONT COMOR" case 禁令由法院作出的禁令禁诉令的终结?&评欧盟法院就theFRONTCOMOR案的裁决
David Llewelyn: And the European Court of Justice again said," No!" The average consumer does not look at the shape of a candy and think it's a trademark. 王迁:还有一个案子就是德国的一家厂商想把糖果的形状注册为他们的商标。
The European Court of Justice, based in Luxembourg, acts as the EU's supreme court in areas for which the union is responsible ( which does not include criminal law, for example). 欧洲司法法庭,位于卢森堡公国,在联盟管辖的范围内以欧洲最高法庭行使权力。
France was fined a whopping euro20m ($ 24m) by the European Court of Justice for repeatedly ignoring fisheries rules stopping the catching of under-sized fish. 法国因为屡次违反渔业禁令,纵容渔民捕捉体积细小的鱼类而被欧洲审判法院罚款2千万欧元(相当于2千4百万美元)。
A senior judge at the European Court of Justice has intervened in an ongoing row between Google and brand names, such as Louis Vuitton. 欧洲议会法庭的裁判长调解了谷歌和诸如路易威登等厂商因为商标而发生的矛盾。
The law promotes the European integration realization as an important method, but European Court of justice then is the European Economic Community judicature safeguard system prop, therefore European Court of justice hugely impetus to the European integration development. 法律是促进欧洲一体化实现的重要手段,而欧洲法院则是欧共体司法保障体系的支柱,因此欧洲法院对欧洲一体化的发展起着巨大的推动作用。
In the european court of justice officer of the court who summarize and presents a case to the judge to assist them in come to a decision. 法律官员(在欧洲法院)指向法官总结介绍案情并协助他们工作的法院官员。
She referred the matter for interpretation to the European Court of justice. 她把这事提交给欧洲法庭解释。
The European Court of Justice today upheld the decision to cap cellphone roaming charges across the EU. 欧洲法院近日表态支持在欧洲地区实施手机漫游费封顶。
Cases in the European Court of Justice as well as many in local courts in Europe. 案件中,欧洲法院的司法以及许多在当地法院在欧洲。
A Chinese suit, if filed, could differ from that launched by US airlines in the European Court of justice, which questioned whether EU regulators were exceeding their jurisdiction by applying the emissions trading scheme to carriers outside their borders. 美方在诉讼中质疑,欧洲监管部门将欧盟以外的航空公司纳入其碳排放交易机制,是否超出了它的管辖范围。
The European Court of Justice has slapped down a German law protecting Volkswagen from takeover. 欧洲法院宣布德国一部防止大众公司被兼并的法律无效。
The commitment of all27 member nations is legally enforceable by the European Court of Justice. 欧盟二十七个成员国的承诺由欧盟法院在法律上强制执行。
In addition, while the European Union technically has few competences in welfare, its role is growing and the European Court of justice is having an increasing and unexpected impact via its rulings on single-market, discrimination and employment issues. 另外,虽然从技术上讲,欧盟对福利几乎没有管辖权,但是其作用却越来越大,而且欧洲法院通过对单一市场、歧视和就业事务的裁决,正在施加越来越大和意想不到的影响。
European Court of Justice ( ECJ), the supreme judicial power of European Union ( EU) aims to protect the unified application and observation of EU law among member states. 初步裁决制度是欧盟法中的一项特殊的法律程序制度,适用初步裁决制度的案件占欧洲法院受理案件量的大多数。
As a court, the decision of the house of lord is binding on all other court, and the only appeal from the house of lord is to the European court of justice. 作为法院,上院的裁决对其他法院有约束力,从上院只能向欧洲法院上诉。
The judgments of the European Court of Justice enable the free migration of head office. 欧洲法院通过对开业自由进行解释确立的判例,使公司管理中心的跨国转移得以实现。
The subject of interpretation of European Union law is European Court of Justice, the object of it is treaties, regulations, directives and decisions. 欧盟法的解释主体为欧洲法院,解释客体包括欧盟的基础条约和根据欧盟条约制定的条例、指令和决定。
The European court of justice jurisdiction is established gradually in the European integration advancement, has its specific background. 欧洲法院的管辖权是在欧洲一体化的进程中逐步确立的,是有其特定背景的。
That can be seen in the judicial practice of the European Commission and the European Court of Justice. 这一点体现在欧共体委员会和欧共体法院的司法实践中。
The European court of justice has developed own unique jurisdiction in its many years judicial practice, mainly manifests in the widespread content, compulsory jurisdiction and self-development. 欧洲法院在其多年的司法实践中发展了自己独特的管辖权,主要体现在内容广泛、强制性管辖和自我拓展等方面。
The European court of justice jurisdiction development has it's the realistic limitation. 欧洲法院管辖权的发展有其现实的局限性。
European Court of Justice will review the legislation of EC at any time through the indirect judicial review procedure. 并通过间接司法审查程序,使欧共体机构的立法行为时刻处于欧洲法院的审查监督之下。
Third part, The function of the European court of justice jurisdiction in the European integration advancement. 第三部分,欧洲法院管辖权在欧洲一体化进程中的作用。
Fourth part, The development limitation and future of the European court of justice jurisdiction. 第四部分,欧洲法院管辖权的发展局限性及未来。
First, judgments of the European Court of Justice are analyzed by four categories. 首先对欧盟法院已判决的涉及个人所得税法问题的案例进行了分类分析。